I apologize for the sporadic postings these days. There’s just been a LOT going on! I’m working hard on getting my private practice established, which is exhausting, exhilarating, exciting, overwhelming…so many things. I’m trying to finish up my perinatal fitness certification to add that to my repertoire. I’ve got my crazy toddler! Still trying to turn the new house into our “home”. Working out regularly. And…prepping a nursery, fighting exhaustion and nausea, and generally working hard growing our baby girl! Yep, that’s right. We’re expecting baby #2 in early September!!! Very excited, but so much to do and think about. The transition from one baby to two…gah, can barely even think about it! Some days, I feel like it’s going to all be ok, and other days, I feel like I’m barely sane as it is now…

Anyway, I’m thinking of trying to hold myself more accountable for this blog so that I’m posting more frequently. Recipes have been on hold partly because I’ve not had an appetite for most of this pregnancy and just when I was starting to get my footing, little man came down with a horrible stomach bug, which he promptly passed to me. And…now, although fully “recovered”, I’m back to feeling like I’m in the first trimester… :/ So, recipes are high on the list, hopefully one a week or every other week. I’d like to continue doing “info” posts, as I think education is the root of good nutrition and health, and I’m thinking about starting to do a “day in the life” post so you can get a look at what we eat on a typical day, my workouts, etc. I don’t talk much about my workouts, but I believe so strongly in nutrition and activity as the foundation for good health. For pregnancy, whether you’re just starting to consider it, already pregnant, newly postpartum, or still hanging onto that “baby” weight years later, nutrition and exercise are essential.
With that in mind, I want to start giving you all a better idea of what my fitness looks like, how I make it work with little man and working, and how I avoid spending money for the gym, fitness classes, etc. while still getting an amazing workout. I’m even tinkering with the idea of creating some challenge groups to help you get your fitness and nutrition jump-started, while having access to me, as a nutrition and soon-to-be fitness professional, particularly those who are in the perinatal period, as there are few resources out there prepared to truly address and assist that population. If you haven’t yet, check out my facebook business page and give it a “like”! I’m even considering starting an Instagram account so you can see what a day in the life really looks like around here!
More soon. Hope to hear from you all. Happy eating.
With that in mind, I want to start giving you all a better idea of what my fitness looks like, how I make it work with little man and working, and how I avoid spending money for the gym, fitness classes, etc. while still getting an amazing workout. I’m even tinkering with the idea of creating some challenge groups to help you get your fitness and nutrition jump-started, while having access to me, as a nutrition and soon-to-be fitness professional, particularly those who are in the perinatal period, as there are few resources out there prepared to truly address and assist that population. If you haven’t yet, check out my facebook business page and give it a “like”! I’m even considering starting an Instagram account so you can see what a day in the life really looks like around here!
More soon. Hope to hear from you all. Happy eating.