Husband loves chocolate milk. We used to live in an area where we would go running on Sunday mornings, and finish up at the local famers' market, where he would get a lovely, fresh, chocolate milk. Now, it's winter and we don't live near a farmers' market. Husband wants me to buy him chocolate milk every week at the grocery store. I, in my typical difficult/stubborn/whole nutrition fashion, hate spending money on something I can make at home for less and more nutritionally. After many, many, many, many "acceptable", but "store-bought-is-still-preferable" attempts, I finally hit upon a combo, a "recipe" that husband loved, and I didn't mind him having! So, for the chocolate milk lovers in your family, I hope you enjoy as much as we did. :)
Chocolate Milk
1-8oz serving
8 oz whole milk (we buy non-homogenized; I would use raw if I could get my hands on it)
1/2 Tbsp raw cocoa powder
1 heaping Tbsp black cocoa powder (or more raw, but the black gives it a crazy-good Oreo-like flavor!)
1 scant Tbsp maple syrup
sprinkling of sea salt
1/4 tsp vanilla
Combine the cocoa powder, maple syrup, and vanilla in a microwave-safe container ( I love using a mason/canning jar, as it works perfectly for shaking and storing). Microwave for about 15 seconds. Mix the cocoa powder goo until it's fairly smooth, kind of like chocolate syrup. Add 8 oz of milk and the sea salt and mix vigorously until completely combined. If you're using the canning/mason jar, you can just put the lid on and shake like crazy! Drink immediately or place in the freezer/refrigerator for a few minutes to get it super cold and lovely.
1-8oz serving
8 oz whole milk (we buy non-homogenized; I would use raw if I could get my hands on it)
1/2 Tbsp raw cocoa powder
1 heaping Tbsp black cocoa powder (or more raw, but the black gives it a crazy-good Oreo-like flavor!)
1 scant Tbsp maple syrup
sprinkling of sea salt
1/4 tsp vanilla
Combine the cocoa powder, maple syrup, and vanilla in a microwave-safe container ( I love using a mason/canning jar, as it works perfectly for shaking and storing). Microwave for about 15 seconds. Mix the cocoa powder goo until it's fairly smooth, kind of like chocolate syrup. Add 8 oz of milk and the sea salt and mix vigorously until completely combined. If you're using the canning/mason jar, you can just put the lid on and shake like crazy! Drink immediately or place in the freezer/refrigerator for a few minutes to get it super cold and lovely.